Blessing India with something that was not there before, 10000 Lions Sound System is an active reggae sound system creating an internal and external musical bridge between Jamaica, Uk, India and the rest of the world.
10000 Lions Sound System blends mystic traditions of the earths past, present and future into a musical peacemaker, a courage-provider, a life-sweetener and a transformation facilitator.
To enter a new time-age, founding members Ninjah and Petah Sunday build up its soundtracks with the mission to have 10s of thousands tuned into one frequency, targeting mankind’s deepest fear - the fear of the unknown.
The invincible power of unity arising in the dance from the shared feeling of music's touch, stabilises into a long-term, ever-expanding solid bubble nest with a musical door to welcome the joining tribes into dreamland territories.
10000 Lions Sound Systems mission is to secure a piece of land where material and spiritual self sufficiency is achieved through work, sound, love and power - a solid nest for their ever expanding global community with a musical door.
Fear not.